Saturday, July 14, 2007

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In my last post I mentioned that our small group was doing a study on Galatians, using Tim Keller’s material. And, by the way, since Tim made a comment on my last post on this subject and I am hoping he’ll read this one, I want to point out up front that I’ll be jumping off from his material into my own ruminations and applications. What I say will be largely based on his material but I want to make sure he doesn’t get the blame if I stray from his own thoughts. In our study we came to an excursus on the story of the prodigal son and we saw how the story is really that of two lost brothers. We saw that the elder brother and the younger brother represent two different kinds of lostness. The younger brother represents the irreligious person and the elder represents the religious person. The outcome of both religion and irreligion are the same – browser hijacked ostness. The gospel is a “third way” of salvation that is neither through religion or irreligion. As our small group discussed this story, one passage from Keller’s study stood out in particular. The point? When the message of the gospel is clear, moral people tend to dislike it, while irreligious people are intrigued and attracted. The way to know that you are communicating and living the same gospel message as Jesus is that “younger brothers” are more attracted to you than elder brothers. This is a very searching test, because almost always, our churches are not like that.

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Why do we resist telling stories? Why do we think that if it’s a “formal” presentation, we must be stale, stuffy, rigid and boring? There were more than 100 decision-makers in the audience. Bankers and financial advisors. Builders, architects and contractors. Business owners and corporate policy makers. The presenter's topic was emerging trends for improved efficiency in the building design and construction trades. He was a knowledgeable advocate for something he believed in strenuously. In private conversation, his obvious enthusiasm for the subject would command your attention. Now he had a chance to turn a few heads among those very likely to be making some big-dollar construction decisions in the foreseeable future. Did they hear wonderful, inspiring, stimulating accounts of real people dealing with real concerns? A compelling narrative about matters of consequence to their own lives and fortunes? No. They received a data dump. The heard a presenter drone on about statistics while watching a script of banal marketing language projected lifelessly, endlessly on a huge screen in another part of the room. No drama. No passion. No stories. A pity. I cheated. Rather than watch the speaker or the screen, I watched the room. What I saw was an audience that was fidgety and disengaged. They didn’t know where this presentation was going. And few seemed to care. It didn’t concern them, after all. It was about his agenda, not theirs. muscle and fitness online


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